Nakh (Bible acronym)

Nach (also Hebraicized Nakh) is an acronym for NeVi'im (Prophets) and (Writings); the latter is transliterated as Ktuvim or Ksuvim. The word is derived from the ending letters of (TaNach or TaNakh) - Torah, Nevi'im, Ksuvim/Ktuvim.
TaNach (the Hebrew Bible) consists of "the Torah (the five books of Moses), Nevi’im (the Prophets), and Ketuvim (the Scriptures)."
** M'LaCHim or M'LaKhim/Kings)
* three (Nevi'im AchRoNim/Later Prophets)
** YeSHaYaHu/Isaiah
** YirMeYaHu/Jeremiah
** YeChezKel/Ezekiel
* Minor Prophets, of which there are twelve:

(HoShayA/Hosea, Yoel/Joel, Amos, O'Vad'ya, Yona/Jonah, MiCha, NaChum, HaBaKuk, Z'Phaniah, Ha'gai, Z'Chariah, Mal'a'chi)
The weekly HafTara readings are selected groups of verses from the NeVi'im.
The K'SuVim (K'TuVim) include 11 components:
* TeHiLim (TeHillim) / Psalms
* Mishlei / Proverbs
* Iyov / Job

<u>Five MeGiLos (MeGiLLot) / Scrolls</u>
* Shir HaShiRim / Song of Songs -- which we read on Shmini Azereth
* Rus / Ruth -- which we read on Shavuoth
* EiChah (Eikhah) / Lamentations -- which we read on Tisha B'Av
* KoHeLes (QoHeLet) / Ecclesiastes -- which we read on
* Esther -- which we read twice (evening, morning) on Purim

* Daniel
* Ezra (including NeChemia)
* Divrei HaYaMim (Chronicles, both I & II count as a single component)

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