MY Single Band

MY Single Band is a gel bracelet intended to advertise the wearer's lack of a significant other.
History and design
The MY Single Band was created by Rina Mardahl and Rob Young, whose initials spell the "MY" of the band's name. Mardahl and Young claim on their website to have created the bracelet in response to the passive way in which people meet potential significant others. Young, speaking about the inspiration for the bands, said: "Whilst working at my previous office of 3,500 people, I realised that I saw hundreds of people each day that could potentially be a suitable partner, yet there was no way of knowing their relationship status." In a press release, Mardahl and Young compared the bands to wedding rings, which show the married status of their wearers. The bands are available in seven colours, and are debossed with the words 'fate', 'destiny', and 'future'. They are available for £6 (or $9) apiece in the United Kingdom, and will shortly be launched in the United States.
The bracelet has received mostly negative reviews online. Natasha Burton of Cosmopolitan wrote that she did not believe that men would search for the bracelet on women, due to her experiences of being approached by men even while wearing an engagement ring. Eliana Dockterman of Time magazine compared the concept to wearing one's OkCupid profile on one's t-shirt. Tracy Moore, writing for Jezebel, noted that the concept would be defeated unless its meaning would be understood by "literally everyone who could encounter it in the universe", and saw flaws in the coloring scheme of the bands. Hannah Lyons Powell of Glamour wrote that the magazine's staff felt "uncomfortable" about the concept of the band. In response to the negative reception that the bands were met with, Young said, "When MY Single Band becomes popular these concerns will disappear because it will be widely accepted. The same process has happened with online dating."
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