My Musical 2016

The new musical is processing of Mulan, Aladdin and Toy Story Becames a new musical for other students. The musical features smoke, road talk and playing toys to have a name for me.
Good morning
I Want to be Mulan
Let me show you all my courage
One day, he lives in the classroom, this is abonaboned day, some projects were making of the musical that you, From Scene 3, he tries a battle and some projects, , he tries the sky, with Aladdin and Jasmine flying carpets, in the Scene 5, he plays the toys, Thank you for the music is for all people.
These characters are use eyeshadow, blush, lipstick and mascara to transform some one in the musical
for you than a story that have to for painting these eyes to transform into beautiful on stage characters.
Shun Tak Him wears a Toy1 shirt (Dinosaur) and Ho Zi Kin wears Toy2 shirt (Giraffe) and his friends for me.
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