My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Trading Cards
About Enterplay in cooperation with Hasbro has debuted its My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Trading Card Game Fun Packs, based on the television show . The cards were first debuted on June 30 and July 1 at BronyCon, a two day MLP fanfest at the Meadowlands Expo Center in New Jersey. Attendees of the event had the rare opportunity to purchase limited pre-sale quantities as well as receive an exclusive foil Rarity card, the first in a series Enterplay has planned for the set. MLP Fun Packs are scheduled to arrive at hobby stores on July 11, 2012 on retail shelves throughout the U.S. And Canada the following week. The total number of cards thus far include: * 84 common cards * 6 foil elements of harmony puzzle cards * 9 foil gala puzzle cards * unknown number of foil common cards * 8 foil gold cards * 9 stand up cards * 12 temporary tattoos * Rarity foil promo card available at Bronycon List of cards 84 common cards The common cards are ordered so that characters come first, then pets, then scenes, and lastly locations. Locations are all printed with a code at the bottom of the card. This code can be validated at www.enter-play.com/MLP for a chance to win a prize. Several issues or 'misprints' have been found in the pets section. While on the television show, the pet Tank is owned by Rainbow Dash, on the card it says that Tank is Pinkie Pie's pet. Also while Pee-wee does not have the pet label on the top front of the card the way the other pets do, on the back it still has the owner section, a section that is otherwise exclusive to the pet cards. Spike labeled as the 'owner'. 1 Twilight Sparkle 2 Rarity 3 Fluttershy 4 Applejack 5 Pinkie Pie 6 Rainbow Dash 7 Spike 8 Princess Celestia 9 Princess Luna 10 Apple Bloom 11 Scootaloo 12 Sweetie Belle 13 Princess Candance 14 Shining Armor 15 Granny Smith 16 Cheerilee 17 Big Macintosh 18 Zecora 19 Snips & Snails 20 The Cakes 21 Braeburn 22 Spitfire & Soarin' 23 Silver Spoon & Diamond Tiara 24 Hoity Toity & Photo Finish 25 Mayor Mare & Time Turner 26 Cranky Doodle Donkey & Matilda 27 DJ Pon-3 & Octavia 28 Mare Do Well & Daring Do 29 Golden Harvest & Lyra Heartstrings 30 Prince BlueBlood 31 Nightmare Moon 32 Discord 33 Queen Chrysalis 34 Sea Serpent 35 Gilda 36 The Great & Powerfull Trixie! 37 Owlowiscious 38 Winona 39 Opalesence 40 Angel 41 Gummy 42 Tank 43 Philomena 44 Peewee 45 A Sonic Rainboom! 46 Vanquishing the Ursa Minor 47 A Party of One 48 Come on and Smile! 49 Chaos is a Wonderful Thing 50 Worst. Companion. EVER. 51 Parasprites Eat Ponyville 52 Best... Comedy Act? 53 Another Day Another Dungeon 54 "You're not Scientifically Possible 55 "My Little Spikey Wikey!" 56 Best. Wedding. EVER 57 Slumber Party 101 58 Pony Without a Team 59 Meet The Apple Family! 60 Nightmare Night Indeed! 61 "Hush Now Quiet Now" 62 Curse of the Evil Enchantress 63 Crazy Cutie Pox! 64 "I Hate Being a Model" 65 The Green-Eyed Monster 66 The Big Doozy 67 A very Special Somepony 68 The flight of Rarity 69 Int the Draon's Lair 70 Elements of a Good Cheer 71 Iron Pony Competition 72 "I Really Am a Doormat." 73 Everfree Forest 74 Sugarcube Corner 75 Cloudsdale 76 Crusaders 77 Ponyville Schoolhouse 78 Golden Oaks Library 79 Sweet Apple Acres 80 Carousel Boutique 81 Day Spa 82 Canterlot 83 Appleloosa 84 Flutershy's Cottage Foils There are 3 sets of foils. The first is non-foil on the front side then the backside (the foil side) forms a picture of the main cast coming together and using the Elements of Harmony. The pictures on the front depict each character's 'challenge' in the show's pilot episode The Second set is of the royal wedding. The front side is foil and shows a picture of a character in their royal wedding attire. The back (non-foil) side comes together to form a picture of the royal wedding and is based on the My Little Pony episode A Canterlot Wedding The third group of foils are foils of common cards: foils 1-6 Elements of Harmony Puzzle Cards (Puzzle A) foils 7-15 Royal Wedding Dress (Puzzle B) foils 16-? Common foil cards Puzzle A F1 Applejack - Honesty F2 Fluttershy - Kindness F3 Pinkie Pie - Laughter F4 Rarity - Generosity F5 Rainbow Dash -Loyalty F6 Twilight Sparkle - Magic Puzzle B F7 Applejack F8 Twilight Sparkle F9 Pinkie Pie F10 Rainbow Dash F11 Rarity F12 Fluttershy F13 Princess Celestia F14 Princess Cadance F15 Shining Armor Common Foils F16 Applejack F17 Pinkie Pie F18 Rainbow Dash F19 Rarity F20 Twilight Sparkle F21 Fluttershy F22 Scootaloo F23 Sweetie Bell F24 Apple Bloom F25 Spike F26 Zecora F27 Granny Smith F28 Cheerilee F29 F30 F31 F32 F33 F34 F35 F36 F37 F38 F39 F40 Promo Rarity (BronyCon 2012) Gold Cards Gold cards are rare foil cards in a class of their own. Instead of being numbered with an F in front of the number they are numbered with a G G1 Princess Celestia G2 Princess Luna G3 Cadence G4 Twilight Sparkle G5 Princess Mi Amore Cadenza? G6 Discord G7 Nightmare Moon G8 Chrysalis Stand-Up Ponies 'Standees' There are 9 standees to be collected. The first six are of the main cast in their Galla outfits (with the exception of Fluttershy) , the last three are of the Cutie Mark Crusaders in their concert outfits. 1 Applejack 2 Rainbow Dash 3 Pinkie Pie 4 Twilight Sparkle 5 Rarity 6 Fluttershy 7 Sweettie Belle 8 Scootaloo 9 Applebloom Temporary Tattoos There are twelve temporary tattoo sheets to be collected, their numbers are in the upper right hand corner of the tattoo. 1 Fluttershy's cutie mark 2 Pinkie Pie's cutie Mark 3 AppleJack's Cutie Mark 4 Princess Celestia's Cutie mark 5 Luna's Cutie Mark 6 Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark 7 Rarity's Cutie Mark 8 Twilight Sparkle's Cutie Mark 9 Rainbow Dash and Applejack 10 Princess Luna and Twilight Sparkle 11 Rarity and Pinkie Pie 12 Fluttershy and The Cutie Mark Crusaders Other Archives Other archives of poy cards may be located here and here