My Epsilon

My Epsilon was a band from the Detroit rock scene. The band started with the disbandment of the pop-punk outfit Too Close To Nothing. John who was playing bass for the band joined forces with Vice Versa, there he met Troy Wright. When Vice Versa came to a plateau and halt Brett Lockhart was called from Too Close To Nothing to start something new. Jam sessions in a two bedroom Detroit house began and the need for a drummer and singer was evident. At a local youth group the band was introduced to Michael Koniowski.Michael showed the guys what he was capable of on the drums and the band decided he would be an excellent fit to the group. At the first practice Michael brought along his cousin who he had lived most his life with, Andrew Fisher. Andrew started singing and immediately was recruited.

The band went on to write and play shows for about a year before conflict within the band brought it to an unexpected hiatus. Conflict between Michael and Andrew was inevitable. Things were buried in the sand and the band began to play again. Another year in and the band was playing shows about three times a month. Conflict once again got the best of My Epsilon and another hiatus was underway.

About a year after of what appeared to be a permanent break the band regrouped, but this time without Brett and Michael. Benjamin Fisher stepped into the role of rhythm guitar and Josh Fifelski on drums. The band went on to play shows for another year leading the revival of the Detroit local scene. After building a small following that was only increasing in size, Andrew went to college leaving the band with no singer most of the year. It became clear that Troy was more interested and passionate about pursuing a career as a firefighter than being in a full-time touring band. As Troy stepped out and Andrew moved from his school in Indiana to California the band realized it's prolonged fate.

Andrew is still in California studying acting. Troy is working as a paramedic in Michigan. Benjamin Josh, and John are studying music technology. Brett is Studying to be an airplane mechanic and Michael is currently unemployed and not in college.

My Epsilon on Myspace
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