The Mwape Foundation The Mwape Foundation was created to sponsor a young Zambian child selected at random, Massae Mwape. The birth date of Massae Mwape is not precisely known, but it is estimated around early 1992. Massae Mwape used the funding from his sponsorship to run away from his home town and hopefully try to find a better life. At the young age of 9 he travelled around the world for 6 years trying to find a new home. The following images are the only hard evidence of Massaes existence.
Massae Mwape - Just after leaving Zambia
[ Massae Mwape - 3 years into his journey]
Massae Mwape - Leaving Berlin Airport
Recent Sightings No one knows where Massase is currently located, however the following sighting have been recorded;
+ A young journalist called "J.L Mills" reported sighting Massae leaving an Airport in Berlin and trying to fly to Britain.
+ "Luke Wilkes", a film director from Germany reported seeing Massae booking 1 cinema ticket to watch Jane Deino's blockbuster "The Rasta"