Money Art

Money Art is creative art designed with coins that are used in honor of icons and national leaders within the United States. The pieces are designed using the penny as the based overlaying with nickel and dime. Each piece is designed using the United States coin. There is only one design per creation. The creation begin in July 2006 and in July 2009 there will be a gallery of over 100 pieces in celebration of the 200th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln face appearing on the penny. The founder/artist and designer of the pieces is Glenda Murray Kelly.

Recipients of the Money Art

* 1. Yolanda D. King, "King's Dream"
* 2. Joyce Meyer, "The Penny"
* 3. Pat Robertson "CBN 1961"
* 4. Courtney McBath, "Calvary 2007"
* 5. Suzan Johnson Cook "Dr. Sujay"
* 6. William D.Curtis, "HUMC"
* 7. Luther Barnes "LBSM 12th Classic"
* 8. Tavis Smiley "Black Union"
* 9. The Virginia Aires, "Sing Aires"
*10. Granger Flythe, "Pastor Flythe"
*11. Michael Little, "In God We Trust"
*12. I. W. Knight, Sr., "I. W. Knight"
*13. Timothy Edwards, "Roanoake Chapel"
*14. Milton Jones, "Reedy Creek"
*15. Robert Sessoms, "Pastor Sessoms"
*16. Quintrell Burrell, "JESUS"
*17. Roger Stephens, "RS"
*18. Dwight Riddick, "VA BSC"
*19. Shirley Caesar, "Sing Shirley"
*20. James E. Jones, Jr. "Dr. Jones"
*21 Vashti Murphy McKenzie "1816"
*22. Oprah Winfrey, "Color Purple"
*23. Dr.Joel Palser, "Higher Calling"
*24. Thaddious Goodman, The Greeks


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