Moldovan humour

(from Valantin Stratan's jokes)

* A Russian speaker and a Moldovan speaker find a water melon (“Harbuz/Pepene”). The Russian says: - Let’s share it like brothers! - Oh no! answers the Moldovan - We’re no more in the USSR now, so we’ll go half and half and you’ll gain because you’re smaller.

* The Moldovans produce more history than they can consume. The United States don’t have enough. Why can’t Moldavia join the United States? Because it’s unthinkable that the Americans should emigrate to Russia, Romania or Italia for economic reasons.

* Why does little girl Molda have so many problems at the school of nations? Because Molda is the child of Mrs. Romana and of Mr. Russki, a couple who have been quarrelling violently since 1812...

* When will Moldova be able to join the European Union? - When Romania is excluded and Russia is admitted.

* What is a Moldovan? - I’m not very sure any more, but it doesn’t matter because with the economic expatriation, there hardly any of them left in the country.

* What is the Moldovan language? - It’s our language, except that we don’t know what to call it because we don’t understand Russian very well.

* Is Moldova more Russian or more Romanian? - “Da”! (Yes!).
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