
MojoMojo is a Perl open-sourced web application that combines the features of a wiki, content management system and blog. The project was started by Marcus Ramberg in 2005 and has at the moment 23 contributors.
MojoMojo builds on top of the Catalyst web framework and uses DBIx::Class as the ORM. In early January 2009, the lead author, Marcus Ramberg, gave a presentation of MojoMojo to the Oslo Perl Mongers. Thanks to its modular architecture and extensive use of CPAN modules, MojoMojo was listed as #2 among projects with heavy CPAN dependency chains.
The following highlights some of the features of MojoMojo :
* Live Ajax preview while editing content
* Hierarchical page structure
* Tags
* Permissions/ACL
* Multiple wiki syntax choices (Markdown, Textile) and pluggable syntax
* Built-in full text search, with external search option
* Easy RSS feeds
* Support attachments, with photo gallery for image attachments
* Diffs, revision control and edit conflict resolution via 3-way merge
* User registration control
* Localization (currently translated into French, German, Japanese, Norwegian)
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