Mohabbat Reza Reza is a Pakistani television series directed by Adeel Siddiqui and produced by Momina Duraid Productions. It airs from October 23, 2024, at 7:00pm daily on Hum TV and stars Sabreen Hisbani and Umer Aalam in the lead roles. Plot Mohabbat Reza Reza follows the tumultuous path of Eisa (Mirza Zain Baig), a young man caught between his deep affection for Sabahat (Minsa Malik) and his unwavering loyalty to his cunning stepmother. After receiving his late father's fortune and business, Eisa becomes ensnared in his stepmother, Riffat's (Sabreen Hisbani) controlling grip, as she cleverly schemes to secure a share of his wealth for her own children. As he grapples with the heavy burden of her emotional manipulation, Eisa is faced with a heart-wrenching decision—submit to his stepmother’s demands or fight for the love he holds dear. This captivating tale delves into the intricacies of family bonds, love, and the price of obedience. Cast * Sabreen Hisbani as Riffat * Umer Aalam as Arez * Mirza Zain Baig as Essa * Minsa Malik as Sabahat * Mahnoor Sheikh as Areesha * Hunain Shahid as Sarmad * Irfan Motiwala as Siraj * Farah Nadir as Kousar Production On July 3, 2024, Umer Aalam and Sabreen Hisbani posted a slideshow of photos of them together on Instagram. Umer wrote, "Fortunate enough to share screen with Sabreen Hisbani in our new Project for Hum TV, who’s making a comeback after 4 years, produced by Momina Duraid Productions" announcing that Sabreen would be making a comeback on Hum TV alongside Umer himself. In September, behind-the-scenes videos started to come out on the casts social media pages such as funny skits, that garnered millions of views on Instagram. Cast started to tease a wedding in the show. Sabreen also took to social media, showcasing her looks from Mohabbat Reza Reza. These caught fans' attention as they pointed out similarities to other figures On October 7, 2024, two teasers were released by Hum TV on YouTube, aswell as the official title. Sabreen and Umer's character posters were released days later. On October 18, the release date, and the official poster were released with another teaser.