Modern Bench Press World Records

Bench press is a basic exercise of the gymnastics with weights.There are two types of bench press, the unequipped or raw, and the equipped bench press.At the second type, the athlete usually wears a bench shirt, a type of shirt that can help the athlete lift about the 4/3 of the weight he could lift raw.Also he can wear wristwraps and others, mainly for support.With these, seems that if an athlete could lift about 300 kg(~660 lbs~) raw, he could lift about 400 kg(~880 lbs~) with a bench shirt.Also there are two types of world records, the official, and the unofficial.The official, are the records that have been achieved in an official competition, and the unofficial out of an official competition.

Modern Bench Press Official Raw World Record

~325 kg~(~715 lbs~), achieved by Scot Mendelson, at 22 May 2005.

Modern Bench Press Official Equipped World Record

~490 kg~(~1075 lbs~), achieved by Ryan Kennelly, at 12 April 2008.

Modern Bench Press Unofficial Raw World Record

~430 kg~(~950 lbs~), achieved by Isaac Nesser.

Modern Bench Press Unofficial Equipped World Record

~500 kg~(~1100 lbs~), achieved by Scot Mendelson.

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