Moat Farm Junior School

Moat Farm Junior School is located on Brookfields Road, Oldbury, Birmingham. The charities they support are Barnados, Sandwell College and The Albion Foundation.
Their school day starts at 8:55am and ends at 3:15pm. They registered with Ofsted and had their first inspection on 17 October 2001, and is currently rated "Good". Moat Farm Junior School got a rating from Ofsted that stand at 4.3/5 stars. They have a mix of pupils in the school with White British, 58% and Indian, 21%. They also have curriculum enrichment,which Year 3 & 4 have on Thursdays at 1:15pm and Year 5 & 6 have it on Tuesdays.
An estimated 436 students attend, and have an average attendance every school year of 99.2%. Curriculum enrichment includes Gardening, Swimming and Drama.
The school has been rated 3/5 stars online, meaning it is good about 73.6% of the time, as some students have detention.
They also do physical education (P.E.). They have literacy and numeracy lessons in the morning and have homework weekly. It might be related to Moat Farm Infant School, as the are in the same place.
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