Heavers Farm Primary School

Heavers Farm Primary School is a primary school for pupils aged between 3 and 11, located on Tennison Road in South Norwood in the London Borough of Croydon. There are two classes in every year, from Reception to Year 6. There is also a Nursery located inside the school. The current Headmaster of the school is Ms Susan Papas after Mr Lascelles Haughton left.

There are many clubs that are run by Heavers Farm, such as the Breakfast Club, Tae Kwondo, French Club, Gardening Club, Drama Club, Singing Club, Football Club, Basketball Club, Netball Club and Gymnastics Club.

There are currently 397 pupils that attend the school. The last Ofsted report stated that the school was "Satisfactory", saying pupils make "Satisfactory Progress" but criticised the number of worksheets that are given out
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