Misdiagnosis Association and Research Institute (MARI)

The Misdiagnosis Association and Research Institute, is also known as MARI for short. This research organization is committed to conducting research on topics relating to “Misdiagnosis”, “Errors in Treatment”, “Malpractice” and as a whole, errors that may occur in the healthcare and medical fields. He created this team with a small group of professors and students to expand the community knowledge on topics related to misdiagnosis in dermatology such as Mycosis Fungoides
The Research branch is dedicated to expanding the MARI team and increasing MARI's community presence. Working on Clinician's Guides, Practical Guides, research articles and MARI Ref, this branch is continually expanding with a wide range of projects in assorted subject areas.
The Medical Branch hopes to provide high quality sources to physicians and practicing clinicians in the form of guides on how to improve healthcare quality. By integrating the research from all around the world, this branch hopes to create comprehensive guides that will be of use in the diagnostic practice of clinicians.
MARI Nutrition aims to improve public knowledge about an individual's diet and how to best adapt one's diet to fit their medical conditions. This branch focuses on the natural health and wellbeing of all individuals.
The pharmaceutical branch is dedicated to public awareness on new medications and conditions. The objective of this branch is educating the community on the benefits of certain medications and exploring their uses to maximize those benefits.
The MARI Law branch consists of various fields in law, which include business law, corporate law and medical law. This branch of MARI seeks to improve medical laws regarding misdiagnosis through medical research. MARI law intends to conduct legal research and provide services such as legal consultations in relation to medical error and misdiagnosis in the near future.
The MARI Business branch strives to become a competitive business consultant firm in the United States This branch is dedicated to promoting economic and sustainable growth and providing high quality business services to their clients. The services provided by this branch include but are not limited to assessing business scenarios, reviewing business process flow, analyzing competitors, implementing smart budgets and preparing business maps.
The Dental Branch, similar to the Medical Branch, has a goal of providing physicians and practicing clinicians with guides to assist them in their clinical practice as a medical tool. This branch hopes to support clinicians and create useful referencing guides.
The education branch has an aim to educate the community on maintaining healthy relations between physician and patient, and to improve on the screening and treatment methods to reduce misdiagnosis. The team is motivated to improve the quality of life of patients with the use of their research and knowledge translation, and reconstructing the current medical system to produce high quality medical care and assistance.
The MARI IT department is responsible for the distribution of knowledge from the research conducted by the other divisions. Using advanced technology, they uphold MARI's media presence. This division is working on Health software, which will allow a physician access to patient files regardless of location creating a system with accessible
MARI Kids is a unique branch and hopes to educate parents, teachers and professionals working with children on how to improve the quality of healthcare they provide for children. They continue to research how to provide quality care for children, i.e. with autism or disabilities. From this, the branch hopes to improve our understanding of childcare and create awareness of possible stigmas surrounding this topic.
The Robotics branch, which also includes nanotechnology has the aim to improve medical equipment and technology with their research. One project that is ongoing is the production of MD assistant robots which integrate technology and science to make advancements in the world of surgery and clinical practice.
MARI Technology is an inspiring team that works with advanced technology to reduce medical error and misdiagnosis. They hope to revolutionize the way technology is used by conducting research on virtual reality, 3D printing and artificial intelligence.
MARI Vet is continuing to expand. This branch focuses on the importance and effect of pets on human life, increasing community knowledge on pet's disorders as well as providing guidance on how to interact and ensure the wellbeing of our pets.
MARI is a rapidly expanding network of researchers, professors, physicians and students across the world. As a result of the wide range of combined knowledge, this organization has published more than 198 scientific articles/papers and books.
These published books are Clinician's Guides that highlight singular commonly misdiagnosed conditions, such as Mycosis fungoides, Acrodermatitis Enteropathica, Pemphigus Vulgaris, Alopecia Areata and many more. Other guides that integrate two or more systems dive more extensively into conditions and provide detailed information on up to date clinical, pathological and differential diagnoses and treatment methods proposed by top researchers. Upcoming guides include: the “Practical Guide to Dermatology: Rheumatology”, “Practical Guide to Dermatology: Obstetrics and Gynecology” and “Mismedicine - A Comprehensive Guide to Misdiagnosis, Error in Medicine, and Malpractice”.
Published Books
Clinician’s Guide to Acrodermatitis Enteropathica (2015)
AE involves the metabolism of zinc and can be genetically inborn or acquired. With elaborative charts and clinical images, this book highlights the epidemiology, symptoms, treatment protocol and how AE can affect other bodily systems and function. This guide highlights the relation between blood zinc levels and symptoms of AE.
Clinician’s Guide to Pemphigus Vulgaris (2016)
Pemphigus Vulgaris (PV) is a severe and possibly lethal disease with little known of a definite treatment due to the varying forms and high rate of misdiagnosis from overlapping clinical and pathological features with other pemphigus diseases. An autoimmune disease which presents as a result of autoantibodies that destroy the intercellular adhesions of the epidermis and can target other circulating molecules as well.
Clinician’s Guide to Mycosis Fungoides (2016)
Mycosis Fungoides (MF) is a disease involving the dysfunction of T cells to cause Cutaneous T cell Lymphoma (CTCL). This book provides a comprehensive database from top researchers on the various forms of MF and an extensive analysis on possible treatment protocols for physicians to reference.
Clinician’s Guide to Alopecia Areata (2017)
Alopecia Areata (AA) is an autoimmune disorder that is involved in hair loss in the shape of round patches. This comprehensive guide is divided into 3 sections that contains background information, mechanism of action and treatment plans, the comorbidities in patients and finally case studies of patients with Alopecia Areata that includes colourful clinical images.
Reviews from Reputable Sources
Review on Clinician's Guide to MF; The purpose is to provide an inclusive reference for clinicians who suspect a patient may have MF or have a patient with a known diagnosis of MF who seeks care. The audience is dermatologists and oncologists, etc. This guide provides a very good basis for understanding the complexities of this disease. (Patricia Wong Doody's Book Reviews, November, 2017).
Works in Progress
MARI Research
A comprehensive medical dictionary with information for patients and guidelines relevant for referencing by medical and health professionals and academics. However, this is not to be used as a diagnostic tool nor a basis upon which to make diagnostic decisions. This resource may help direct individuals to visit the required healthcare provider. Each description of a condition includes a brief overview of the background of the condition, diagnosis and treatment protocols as suggested by clinicians and research faculty. The topics covered include common and rare conditions and diseases. The team is hopeful that MARI Ref will be launched in collaboration with the MARI AI/IT divisions as well as with MARI Technology.
Practical Guide to Dermatology: Obstetrics and Gynecology
A guide that consists of detailed up to date information on the most commonly misdiagnosed conditions in the prenatal and postpartum phases. This guide covers the clinical and pathological features, differential diagnosis and treatment of over 100 skin conditions. There is demographic information as well as the risk factors that can contribute or exacerbate these conditions. Analyzing the connection between maternal fetal system with the axis and other systems of the body, this guide provides leading research with colourful clinical images to assist clinician's in their diagnostic decision making.
Practical Guide to Dermatology: Rheumatology
This comprehensive guide explains the connections between the skin and other organs and systems which include the nervous system, skin, eyes and internal organs. With up-to-date information on rheumatic conditions, this guide is beneficial in assisting physicians in their daily practice. Explained with coloured clinical images, this guide highlights conditions such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and many more rheumatic conditions in hopes to assist physicians in their daily practice in diagnosis and prevent their misdiagnosis.
MisMedicine - A Comprehensive Guide to Misdiagnosis, Error in Medicine, and Malpractice
The MisMedicine book is the newest practical guide written and soon to be published by MARI. It dives into different types of misdiagnosis, errors in medicine and malpractice, with the goal of bringing more awareness to these topics and breaking the stigmas associated with these issues. This comprehensive guide is broken into eight parts, with each section tackling a different aspect of misdiagnosis and the best path to take as a physician, as an individual in health care or even as a patient.
MARI Clinic
Online Clinic
The MARI Online Clinic is projected to launch in 2021.
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