The Minion War is a crossover event series published by Palladium Books. The books set to be in the series number six so far, including: Four Rifts dimension books: #Dimension Book 10: Hades - Pits of Hell, published August 2007, set in the shadowy alternate world of the Palladium RPG #Dimension Book 11: Dyval - Hell Unleashed, published March 2009 #Dimension Book 12: Dimensional Outbreak, published March 2010, features the invasion of the Promethians' world #(un-numbered) Heroes of the Megaverse, published September 2010 One Heroes Unlimited book: Armageddon Unlimited, published February 2011 The sixth book has not yet been released, but is slated to be the 35th Rifts World Book, entitled Megaverse in Flames. Palladium has only released 33 World Books so far (the latest being Northern Gun 1), so the 34th book (Northern Gun 2) has to come out first.