Millicent Collins-Forbes

Millicent Collins-Forbes (1772-1839) was a fictional character on the daytime drama, Dark Shadows. A Collins family cousin who lived during the 18th century, she was the elder sister of Daniel Collins and Second cousin of Joshua Collins, Abigail Collins, and Jeremiah Collins. She was also third cousin to Barnabas Collins and Sarah Collins. Millicent and Daniel were distant cousins to the Collinsport, Maine branch of the Collins Family, who lived in New York with their parent's Theodore Collins, and his wife who died in a carriage accident in 1790.
Millicent and Daniel were left as the heirs of the Collins estate in New York. It is during this time that they contacted the main branch of the Collins family in Collinsport. Joshua Collins was especially interested in his young relations in hopes of sustaining proper marriages for them when the time came.
In October, 1795 Millicent and Daniel decided to come to Collinsport to attend the wedding of Barnabas Collins to Josette du Pres. Joshua was especially eager for Millicent's arrival as he hoped to marry her of to his younger brother Jeremiah, something of which Jeremaiah did not want to do. Millicent, however, was not about to submit herself for an arranged marriage, and wanted to marry for love. As a somewhat scatterbrained and giggling hypochondriac, she was easily swayed into a submissive and subdued manner by those around her. She quickly became a good friend of Josette, who introduced her to Collins Family friend Lieutenant Nathan Forbes. Forbes was a dashing naval officer whom Millicent found incredibly attractive. The two began a carefully arranged courtship. The marriage was not a success, Forbes mainly wanted Millicent for her money, and tried to murder both her and her little brother Daniel. Daniel was saved from an assassin (hired by Forbes) by Victoria Winters, who had traveled back in time from 1968; and by saving Daniel she insured the survival of the Collins family of her own time (who were descended from Daniel). Forbes was later killed by Barnabas Collins, and Millicent went insane in the end.
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