
MikeOS is a free and open source operating system for x86 computers. It is designed as a learning tool for those wishing to study x86 assembly language and basic operating system design. Consequently, it is written entirely in assembly language and uses 16-bit code in order to provide access to the BIOS, so that dedicated keyboard and disk drivers are not necessary.

An HTML handbook is included with MikeOS (and provided on the project's website) which explains how the operating system works, how to add new features to it, and how users can start making their own operating system. MikeOS is written by Mike Saunders, the New Media Editor of Linux Format magazine.

MikeOS has a developers' mailing list to let people interested in development with MikeOS to communicate. The list is available at the MikeOS website.

MikeOS can run very simple DOS COM executables, although many system calls are missing. The operating system is supplied with a musical keyboard (using the PC speaker), PCX image viewer and other demonstration apps for those who want to learn x86 assembly language.
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