Mike Doxtad

Backround Information

Michael Andrew Doxtad is a new, up & coming, 17-year old, American Model. Michael was born on August 12th, 1990. Doxtad is of mostly Italian descent, and a little Indian on his father's side. He was born and raised in South-Eastern Pennsylvania where he now resides with his family. His parents have been divorced since he was very young, and Michael now lives with his Mother (Debra), half sister (Aimee), and step-father, Chris.

Early Childhood
Michael Doxtad has had a moderately normal childhood. Mike's parents (Debra & David Doxtad) got divorced in 1992 when he was only 2 years old, leaving his dad out of his household, however now and still living only 10 short minutes away. Mike did not grow up in Hollywood, so he has been in school since he was in Kindergarten attending Caln Elementary School, where he stayed in elementary school until graduating in 2000. He attended South Brandywine Middle School for 6th and 7th grade until redistricting forced him into Scott Middle School for 8th grade (still in Coatesville Area School District). He was then part of the 1st ever graduating class of Scott Middle School after nudging his way through the year.

High School

Michael Doxtad went on to High School as most teens do. He went on to, and still attends Coatesville Area High School (the only one in the district). He is 17 years old, and now a senior graduating in a few short months. School seems to be a struggle for him, and although his exact grades haven't been revealed to the media as of yet, we know he is just getting by, if he is at all. Close family sources told "Crave Magazine," that it was a regular annual routine for Michael to have 4 straight honor-roll report cards per school year and he hasn't made honor roll since 8th grade. Michael has undergone many life-changing transformations from pale dork, to your average joe, to one of the top teen models on the East Coast with a blossoming career rapidly developing right before his eyes, and those of all of America. Back as a freshman, Michael was very pale, had his hair regrettably parted right down the middle and gelled to his head, almost plastered. In 9th grade, Michael failed the year, forcing him to go to summer school to make up his math credit. The first major change was the hair. He started slicking it back, and eventually cutting it and spiking it up improving it majorly! Next went the pale skin in his sophomore year of high school. Michael has refused to reveal the story to the public, and many rumors have circulated, but either way, he returned from spring break during his 2005-2006 sophomore year of high school tanner than most mexicans. Even after the modeling began, Michael never wore his stylish, fashion-esque clothes off set of his shoots. He would wear them for his assignments, and return home and to school in sweats or jeans and a plain white tee. It wasn't until recently that he underwent the next major change; dressing fashionably acceptable. He went from your dorky, pale, nerd next door, to the sexy physique-envying model icon he is today turning heads at all points.

Career Development

Doxtad's modeling career got off to a start in June of 2007, almost immediately after his junior year in high school which he slicked by with passing C's and not having to go to summer school. This left him with only his part time (which we don't know the location yet), and a load of free time. His first photoshoot was on June 21st, 2007. Most of the pictures consisted of him in slightly ripped jeans and a good portion of the 571-frame photoshoot were in B&W (Black & White). Modeling has never left his reach since. He just dived right in after that. His second photoshoot was about 3 weeks later on July 17th, 2007. These shots were quoted by Kevin Halo (Chief Publisher of GQ magazine) as, "Very impressive; eye-catching, eye-popping, and eye-candy images." He was viewed from head-to-toe in all hollister, dressed in a white, thick hollister sweater with no hood, a white and teal striped shirt underneath, perfectly fitting jeans, and crisp brown flip flops to top it off. We're told the photoshoot went very smooth, with some accidental great shots taken. However, sources say Doxtad got bit**ed at for complaining too much for modeling a very warm sweater in the summer heat in the middle of July. However, the rumor was never commented on by Michael. Michael's next photoshoot, was only one short week later on July 25th, 2007, which was Doxtad's first co-ed couple's shoot with a female named Ashley Stirling. Rumors spread that he brought the female beauty last minute to the photoshoot after getting too nervous to shoot by himself. Other rumors spread shortly after the photoshoot that the hot, young pair were dating in mid-late summer. Rumors were never confirmed and eventually dropped. The photoshoot went well with an offer from a Calvin Klein campaign, but did not pan-out for undisclosed reasons. His next project was a sizzling hot photoshoot with his best friend and aspiring model Christina (Tina) Wertz. The photoshoot took place in Island Heights New Jersey, right on the beach, and partly in studio at an unknown location. The hometown hotties attended the photoshoot on August 14th, only two days after both of them turned 17. Rumors spread immediately after the release of the A&F/Hollister style photos and did not fade like the others. In fact, the rumors got more popular, and were wider believed by his friends, peers, the public and even his family. Some critics still say some of Doxtad's best images ever were taken on this day. His next project ended up being just one month later on September 15th, 2007 only two weeks after starting his senior year in high school. Many of Doxtad's competitors who are fortunate enough to be out of school the year before him, saw him as no threat due to Doxtad's return to school in the fall. However, Doxtad's modeling didn't fade, or even relatively slow down. He ended up getting an agent, David Ogden, who lives out in California, (thought to be somewhere near the .L.A./Hollywood area.) The photoshoot from September 15th, ended up later that year getting him two American Eagle billboards where Doxtad is seen advertising a white, baby-blue striped button-up shirt and his jeans cannot be seen. One of the billboards was in McLean, Illinois, and the other in Arcadia, California at a strip mall. Doxtad reportedly earned an adult salary of $4,650 for the job.


Doxtad's year started to spiral downhill in the winter of 2007/2008. Since school was becoming such a problem, he decided to take a 3-month break from modeling and focus on school, at the very least just to pass with C's. On top of his school struggles, his life was torn down by an alleged car accident on December 6th, 2007, only two and a half weeks before christmas. The accident was reported Doxtad's fault and the 911 call was made at 9:36.a.m. on a two-hour delay day of school. He was reportedly picking up friends for school who lived quite out of the way of his 2-mile drive to his high school and skid in to the other lane of traffic, hitting a wooden telephone pole, another car, and a pick-up truck hitting him due to wreckless driving and speeding. According to Doxtad, he was not speeding, and there was slush all on the right side of the road causing his car to slide uncontrollably. He commented very little on the incident when asked in a February interview with Cosmo's chief editor Holly Barton, however he did say that it was a life-changing experience, mostly bad, but in some good way as well. Doxtad was quoted saying, "No matter who believes what, what happened, or how it happened...the point is, that it did happen. Opinions are going to be spoken, rumors will be spread, but I just remind myself that of all the people talking their smack, I was the one there. I know the truth. They don't." This was interpreted as a direct hit and direct anger at those who are shining too much light on Doxtad's person life and speaking about things he says, they don't understand. Doxtad was rushed the hospital at 9:51.a.m., from his location of Wagontown PA, to the Brandywine Hospital where his Mom and step-dad were waiting. He had a sore, bruised neck which took almost a month to heal fully, a heavily bruised left arm, and a gash about 2cm away from his right eye, getting him ten stitches. Alot of panic broke out, much of it having to do not with Doxtad's health or condition, but his future. Mike did not comment to any questions, did not take any offers to be in any interviews, magazine spreads, and declined to have his story published anywhere, in any way. Aside from the rumors, Doxtad ignored them as much he possibly could have, and despite rumors, his modeling did not end, or come too close to it at all. He began modeling again just 6 weeks later and had his first 2008 photoshoot on January 21th, 2008. He ended up doing another photoshoot just three weeks later on February 9th, 2008. However, even after his rough ending to his 2007 year, Doxtad had a family meltdown in the beginning of 2008, when his older brother (David's) drug problem finally got the attention it needed. Although the full story has not been revealed, and Doxtad has refused to tell it, only commenting, "My brother and I were never very close. I do not see him as a very important part of my family or life, such as I would with my mother." Few details have been told, but we know he entered rehab about one hours from his home in Thorndale Pennsylvania, and is due to be out within the next few weeks.

Future Plans

Doxtad talked about his future quite brightly and openly in his February 29th interview in New York City with Bill Hopkins of the New York Times. He explained his constant self-debate over whether he will be attending college, not going to college, or possibly only taking 1-2 years off school and attending college at age 19-20. His plans are as follows: he explained that after high school, within 4 months maximum, he will be moving to .L.A. to persue his modeling career further. He will not be attending any college, even part time. Doxtad plans to live by himself, model full time, non-stop, full force and may never go to any higher form of education if enough money is made. Michael did however say that he recognizes the risk he is taking and that if the modeling doesn't work out exactly the way he hopes, he does know that he may simply have to go to college to get a more fit job to raise a family and model only part time. As far as his status Doxtad shocked the world when he said these exact words, "No, I am not single right now. I think I've finally found someone I just might be spending my life with. I'm not looking, and I may want to settle down in the next few years and start a family relatively young. But before I do all of that, right now...(long pause), I know that no matter how much I despise it, I must finish and pass high school."
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