Merton A. Richal

Merton A. Richal (July 1, 1894 - August 17, 1970) (or in some sources Meron A. Richal) was a major in the United States Marine Corps. He held the rank of lieutenant during the occupation of Nicaragua. He is best known for receiving the Navy Cross for bravery in the Second Battle of Las Cruces on January 1, 1928, continuing to lead his men despite having one eye shot out.
Navy Cross citation
The Navy Cross is presented to Meron A,. Richal , First Lieutenant, U.S. Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism, coolness, and excellent judgment in the performance of duty in command of a Marine patrol in an engagement at Las Cruces, Nicaragua, on 1 January 1928. When attacked on this occasion by a vastly superior force, Lieutenant Richal rushed to the advance guard position through a devastating fire, and although shot through the eye in the early stages of the fighting made a heroic effort to direct the fire and action of his command until forcefully taken to the rear where he collapsed.
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