Mehrdad Myrkyany

Mehrdad Myrkyany, Iranian make-up artist.
After earning a degree in economics, in the period under makeup artist J. M. Valadbeigi Moayyerian and in 1363 took part.
Movies attorney first (Jamshid Heydari) started his artistic career as a makeup artist counts.
* Won the Crystal Simorgh best makeup artist (Mainline) in the twenty-fifth Fajr Film Festival (Competition Iran), 1385
* Crystal Simorgh candidate best makeup artist (Friday) at the twenty-fourth (Competition Iran), 1384
* Won the Crystal Simorgh best makeup artist (as the father) in the twenty-fourth (game film), 1384
* Won the Crystal Simorgh best makeup artist (Step) on the twenty-second Fajr Film Festival (Competition Iran), 1382
* Crystal Simorgh candidate best portrait (GILANEH) in the twenty-second Fajr Film Festival (Competition Iran), 1382
* Crystal Simorgh candidate best makeup artist (altitude) at Fajr Film Festival Competition Iran), 1380
* Crystal Simorgh candidate best makeup artist (The Mummy 3) In the eighteenth Fajr Film Festival (Competition Iran), 1378
* Crystal Simorgh candidate best makeup artist (Red Ribbon) at the Fajr Film Festival Competition Iran), 1377
* Crystal Simorgh candidate best makeup artist (Glass Agency) at Fajr Film Festival (Competition Iran), 1376
* Crystal Simorgh candidate best makeup artist (the devil) in the twelfth Iran's Fajr Film Festival Competition), 1372
Other festivals
* Winner of the Golden Statue best makeup artist (A Little Kiss) in the tenth celebration of cinema (race), 1385
* The make-up artist of the year (a beautiful city) in the chosen nineteen writers and critics (best of the year), 1383
* Winner of the Golden Statue best makeup artist (GILANEH) in the eighth celebration of cinema, (race years), 1383
* Best make-up artist of the year (Dancing in the Dust) In the eighteenth of writers and critics (best of the year), 1382
* Golden Statue candidate best makeup artist (Dancing in the Dust) in the seventh celebration of cinema (race), 1382
* The make-up artist of the year (altitude) on the seventeenth of writers and critics (best of the year), 1381
* Golden Statue candidate best makeup artist (altitude) in the sixth celebration of cinema (race), 1381
* Best make-up artist of the year (red ribbon) in the Fourteenth of writers and critics (best of the year), 1378
* 1386 - Prize for best make-up artist for the rules of the game. Was nominated for the mainline.
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