Megan Lane

Megan Lane is an independent Canadian blues singer and an accomplished guitarist. Megan was born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Musical career
Megan Lane began performing music professionally at age 12 at Bud's on Broadway, Saskatoon and, soon after, in blues bars around Western Canada. Before learning guitar, she played the drums. Megan cites Elvis Presley and Stevie Wonder as early influences and is quoted in interviews saying that her mother would play these artists to her while she was in utero by strapping a pair of headphones to her belly. Lane's music has been described as a mix between punk and blues.
Lane also participates in slam poetry and was part of the Saskatchewan team that participated it in the Canadian Festival of Spoken Word.
* Bow and Drill the Spark, 2009
* Wrapped in Plastic, 2006
* Purple and Blue, 2004
All of Lane's albums are self-produced and marketed.
Awards and nominations
* Saskatchewan Arts Board grant recipient, 2009 (for Bow and Drill The Spark)
* Rawlco Radio grant recipient, 2006 (for Wrapped In Plastic)
* Western Canadian Music Awards Nominee “Outstanding Blues Recording", 2004 (for Purple and Blue)
Notable performances
Lane has performed at
* The 2010 Olympics at the Saskatchewan Pavilion
* Parliament Hill Canada Celebration, Tribute to Joni Mitchell, Ottawa, ON, 2005 (Played on the bill with:Fiest, Measha Brueggergosman, and Jeremy Fisher)
* The Crop Checkin’ Centennial Tour, with Tom Cochrane and Wide Mouth Mason, Saskatchewan, 2005
* National performance broadcast on CTV’s “Good Morning Canada", 2004
* SaskTel Saskatchewan Jazz Festival, Saskatoon, SK, 2008, 2006, 2005, 2004
* The Talk Show! Live at Louis, March 1, 2010
At the Saskatchewan's Centennial Celebration Lane was presented with a commemorative medal by the governor general, in recognition of her philanthropic efforts.
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