
A Maverican is a member of the Republican party who tends to think outside party lines. This does not necessarily refer to a middle-of-the-road Republican, but more of a free thinker that often aligns him or herself with the party platform. John McCain is a Republican who is also a Maverick, an intellectual or a politician, who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates or colleagues. In simple terms, John McCain is a Maverican, as he aligns himself with the party platform but often has differing views as to how things are run within the party.

Explanation: This is somewhat like a Dixiecrat, who aligns themself with the Democratic party but nonetheless holds their own opinion on certain issues. Not to say that a Maverican holds the same views or ideals as a Dixiecrat, but the idea of an independent thinker that aligns themself with the major party's platform still holds true. This word is currently in the process of trying to be added to the dictionary.

Sources and Citations

2. Dictionary Website. "Maverick": 2008.

John McCain Campaign. "About John McCain": 2007-2008. John McCain Website.
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