Maura Quint

Maura Quint is an American writer, humorist, podcaster, advocate and radio guest. She writes the @behindyourback Twitter account. Her humor has been published in Someecards, McSweeney's, Man Cave Daily, and the Impersonals.
In 2015, Quint alleged plagiarism by Josh Ostrovsky, a new media personality who calls himself "the Fat Jew". Quint was interviewed on NPR’s On The Media arguing in favor of original content and credit for writers. The online publication "Death and Taxes" has referred to Quint as the "leading fat Jew critic".
Topics of her humor pieces included song lyrics, feeding a child and the contents of her purse.
Quint co-chosts a podcast with Wayne Gladstone, author of the Internet Apocalypse series of books.
On her Twitter account, Quint tweets topical jokes, presents word play, advocates a progressive viewpoint, advances feminist ideas, engages in political discussions, and sometimes presents cooking segments. Quint, or her Tweets, have been ranked on “funniest” lists by Buzzfeed, Playboy, Huffington Post, the Chicago Tribune and Paste.
Among her most popular Tweets, according to Favstar, are "Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life because that field isn't hiring." and "20 Things That Women Should Stop Wearing After The Age of 30. 1-20: The weight of other people's expectations & judgments."
Secondary coverage
Quint has been interviewed on various podcasts. Such interviews focus on her life, views and writing. She has been quoted in Techinsider, and was interviewed live as a subject matter expert on the Twitter plagiarism scandal by Huffington Post.
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