Master Server Point

Master Server Point are numerical point(s) accrued by players of the game Urban Terror for Teabagging their opponents as well as teammates. Points are awarded based on the style, uniqueness and difficulty of the TB (tea bag) being performed.
So how does this work?
tb's are as varied as the tb'ers imagination. They can involve individuals or groups of both the living and dead. Naming is usually self-explanatory, but new ones can be created on the spot to fit a situation.
some examples:
The double-decker tb (two players tb'ing simultaneously, one standing on the head of the other)
The triple-decker tb (only known to have been performed one time in history)
The Zim - looking up while rapidly tb'ing
The ladderbag
The utb - underwater tb
The bloody tb - hard to get that metallic taste out of your mouth
The Around the World
The grind
The swipe
The slide
The double (can be one tb'er on 2 victims, or 2 tb'ers on one victim)
The triple
The spazbag
The comebacker (wait a minute, did i just kill xxxx? return to the scene quickly!)
The callout (chooses a particularly skilled (or whiny) player and pursue relentlessly

TB Tag
Another way to earn the much-coveted MSP's is to win an in-match game of TB TAG, wherein you mush chase down whoever is 'it' and fully tb them. the person who is 'it' at the end of the regular match wins 1000 MSP.
Certain affiliations such as Clan place greater value on Master Server Points than gaming prowess alone.
External Link
Urban Terror Official Website
MSPs started on BG servers
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