Master Chefs Multicultural Cuisine is a web television series created by Shaun Nanan, Boyd Zhu, and Kenny Yang. The show portrays the "Hip-Hop Chefs" in a humorous segment of cooking Indian, Chinese, and Caribbean dishes. The series can be seen on YouTube. The episodes are a series of non-profit home videos designed to teach multicultural culinary arts utilizing comedy. The show also features original music by Ali Deheshi in the rap and hip-hop genre. The show has become popular among the Saskatchewan community. Featured dishes include the following: * Chinese style seafood, pork, tofu, vegetables * Curry chicken, shrimp * Jamaican jerk chicken, and more. Recurring Cast * Shaun Nanan as The Food Master Fresh * Boyd Zhu as T-Pot * Kenny Yang as Chef Sizzle * Aifen Yang as The Quality Control * Yali Geng as Boss Lady