Martina Hoffmann

Martina Hoffmann (November 8, 1957) is a German born artist, painter, sculptress. She is a central figure for contemporary visionary art.
Martina Hoffmann is a visionary painter and a central figure in contemporary visionary art. Martina Hoffmann was born in Germany and she spent most of her childhood in Cameroon, West Africa. She studied art at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany.
In a 2013 interview for Transpersonal Spirt
“My work is an attempt to show spirit as the universal force which unifies us beyond the confines of cultural and religious differences. By accepting the interdependency of all life and our universal interconnectedness we have a chance to heal and transform the planet’s general state of woundedness. In using art as a tool for transformation, we have the opportunity to create a reality as beautiful, healthy and strong as our imagination permits.”
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