March March march

The March March march is a thirty mile long, flat, walk across the English Fens from the town of March to Cambridge that takes place in the month of March.

It involves a group of academics and students from the Cambridge University who gather in the third month of each year in a small Cambridgeshire market town, and then walk briskly back to Cambridge, pausing at numerous convenient hostelries. It was invented and continues to exist only to allow it to be called the homophonous phrase "March March march".

It takes place, in March, often but not always on the last Saturday in March. It was invented by Jonathan Partington in 1979, apparently because it seemed like a good idea at the time. The March March march is organised by an official known as the Custos Martis.

The rhythmic song to listen to while performing this walk is, of course, the "March March march March".
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