Danny Casteleyn

Danny Casteleyn: Signed the report on the "European Citizens' Perspectives On The Future of Europe" representing Belgium as a citizen. On the 10th of May 2007, Danny Casteleyn is Belgian student and employee. Before he was engaged in the Belgian Citizen Consultations, which led to a national report. Guy Verhofstadt prime minister of Belgium welcomed the report in the chamber of representatives in Belgium (Transmitted on Belgian National televison stations (RTBF and VRT) and other media.

This report marked as important for the commission explained itself more on the 7th of June 2007 by three participants Hellen Duffet (UK), Sylvi Teesalu (Estonia), and Danny Casteleyn (Belgium.)
The project received high recognition from several politicians among them former commissioner Antonio Vitorino, EU, Commissioner, the vice commissioner Margot Wallstrôm and former prime minister of Slovenia. Alojz Peterle

On Sunday, 22 July 2007, The BBC invited Danny to represent the main results of the European Citizens' Consultations (ECC) in a live debate with Franco Frattini, EU Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security. He stressed that citizen where to provide a high consensus. They favour legal migration but are aware that criminality and illegal migration might be connected as such strong border controls are needed.

Mr Frattini stressed the fact that migration should be handled on a global approach avoiding migration shopping, Migrants going to countries where illegal migration might be more tolerated.

On the 3rd of October a follow up event was organised and Hellen Duffet and Danny Casteleyn where invited as well by ECAS.

Brussels, 8/9 December 2007: A conference grouping similar projects organised by the commission was held with 250 citizens. The event resulted in a summary of 27 points. Margot Wallström, Vice-President of the Commission was presented and a key player in this event.

Previous in 1993, Danny was also co-author of the book “kogelvrij, published in Dutch, the title means Bullet free. This work concerns activity by volunteers in the Balkan war during the early nineties.

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/talking_point/talking_point_programme/default.stm# and select the programme of 22 July 2007.
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