Marc Montoni

Marc Montoni is a prominent anarcho-capitalist activist, member of LPRadicals, and secretary of the Libertarian Party of Virginia. He raised controversy with his challenge to Bob Barr to answer eleven questions intended to demonstrate the veracity of his conversion to libertarianism and with his proposal that municipal employees have to pay an impact fee if they choose to drive to work. He also maintains the "Free Virginia" blog and is editor of Virginia Liberty. Montoni provides database management to the Libertarian National Committee. He also worked in the LP national office in the early 1990s. He was elected to public office as a Soil and Water Conservation District Director in the Lord Fairfax District in 2001. He has been known to say, "Liberty is the only thing you cannot have unless you're willing to let everyone else have it also." Due to his libertarian perspective on intellectual property, he only listens to anything released into the public domain, having vowed to "not knowingly buy any garbage from RIAA members."
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