Manuel Ramírez (photography)

Manuel Ramírez is a Mexican photographer. He was born in Santa Maria del Valle, Jalisco. He has had numerous solo and group exhibitions since 1983, both in Mexico and abroad. It has won awards and distinctions among which are: a First Place in the category Painting at the "Salon de Octubre" the Cabañas Cultural Institute, (Guadalajara, Jal., 1990) and being selected twice in the "National Youth Art" of Aguascalientes, Ags, in 1987 and 1994. His work has become part of the permanent collections of major museums and cultural institutions, such as:. Museo del Chopo (Mexico DF); Arts Crafts School (Granada, Spain); (Campina Grande, Paraiba, Brazil), and Art Museum Araia (Alava, Spain).
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