
Manuary is a holiday dedicated to men that is celebrated in January of each year. It involves paying homage to men in traditional fashion - eating meat, consuming alcohol, and engaging in man-sports such as snow football, ice hockey, ice fishing, etc. Manuary seeks to give men an opportunity to enjoy their favorite pasttimes, to develop new hobbies and skills such as developing survival skills and home repair, and to get away with all of the things that men do which usually don't go unnoticed by the women due to their vulgar, barbarous, or in other ways stereotypical male nature.

In 2007, Justin Manzo, one of the forerunners in Manuary festivities, overheard two men talking about Manuary in a bar. The 'progenitors', as they have henceforth been named, sparked a curiosity that developed into an interest, which soon festered into a burning passion, for publicizing Manuary and all of its man-praise. Gathering as many friends and as much family support as possible, Justin and his compatriots became committed to the celebration, going so far as to put up a website detailing their activities.

Manuary has support primarily in Ithaca, New York, along with satellite support in Chicago, Illinois and Washington, D.C.

One of the principal components of Manuary is the temporary hiatus for all shaving, to the point that a 'BeardWatch' page has been created to chronicle daily progress. Participants from around the globe are encouraged to send in their photos to post to the Manuary website.

In addition, weekly man-meals are prepared which are commonly consumed almost exclusively by men - steak and potatoes, ribs, sausage plates.

All guidelines are posted on the Manuary website, but a few of them are as follows:

At least one home construction project in a state of partial completion throughout the month
No shaving, or at least reduced beard maintenance
Weekly man-meals
Exercise should only come from man-sport, shoveling snow, or splitting wood
At least one outing communing with nature and learning new manly skills, such as making a fire or fishing
Consumption of meat at every meal

Guidelines are flexible, and new suggestions are always encouraged.

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