Manteo Cemetery

The Manteo Cemetery is located in Manteo, North Carolina.
In 1870, Stephen Wescott was buried in what is today the Manteo Cemetery. He was the first burial at this site. Wescott, along with seven others, were the only burials prior to the turn of the century. The other burials were the following.
# Frances Dough 1845-1895
# Alma Raper Evans August 21, 1896 - September 29, 1897
# Rosa A. Brinkley Evans December 15, 1842 - September 21, 1898
# C.E. Hooper March 25, 1838 - April 19, 1899
# Etta Meekins March 4, 1899 - October 19, 1899
# Carrie Ellenor Evans October 15, 1857 - August 30, 1899
# Asa Warren Jones December 1, 1846 - February 22, 1899
Today, the cemetery contains some 2,368 burial sites. In 1992, the Town purchased an additional 1.09 acres of what was believed to be a portion of the original Minnie Etheridge Estate for future expansion of the cemetery. This new section is located east of Cemetery Lane and contains burial sites for 904 people.
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