Manolo Latorre Castillo

Manolo Latorre Castillo is president of the Grup d'Acció Valencianista (GAV) since 2001. During the years that he has been president of this group, it has increased its violent activity, and therefore he is the main responsible of the violence that the GAV has made along these years. Nevertheless, he has not received yet any legal penalty for this.
He himself has taken part in many violent actions, and he was condemned for one of this in 1996, when during the campaign for the Spanish general elections of 1996, three members of the Valencian Nationalist Bloc were victims of menaces and injuries by GAV members. Nonetheless, during the time that he has been president of the GAV, it has reduced considerably its influence in the Valencian society, specially after they were expelled from the children fair Expojove on December 2010, since this fair for children was the main place where they recruited new members for their organization. Manolo Latorre works as a dental technician in a small workshop in the city of Valencia.
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