Manashe Khaimov

Manashe Khaimov is a Bukharan Jew, a fourth generation community organizer, great-great-grandson of Sholom Hai Elik Boshi Khaimov, great grandson of Hannan Elik Boshi and grandson of Manashe "Kalontar" Khimiov Elik Boshi. (the term "Elik Boshi" refers to an individual that was elected by the community to be in charge of 50 Jewish families)
Manashe is a founder of, the only Bukharian online dictionary. Founding director of a 501c3 grassroots organization Bukharian Jewish Union Inc. -which serves as a central hub for professional, social, and cultural growth for Bukharian Jews in their 20s and 30s. The founder of The Jewish Silk Road Tours ™ walking tours in NYC.
In June 2015, Khaimov was a recipient of The Jewish Weeks "36 Under 36" Visionary Jewish Leadership award for individuals who have demonstrated unique initiative, creativity and ability to inspire others.
In May 2016, Khaimov was a recipient of TIMESLedger Newspapers "Queens Impact Award" honoring borough's unsung heroes and recognizing them for the work that they do behind the scenes as volunteers and professionals to make life better for people in Queens.
In January 2018, Khaimov started teaching as an adjunct professor of Jewish Studies, with a specialty in the history and culture of the Bukharian Jews.
Early life and Community work
Manashe was born in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, a city along the Silk Road, where his ancestors had lived for over 2,000 years, which makes his Jewish identity simultaneously Bukharian, Sephardic, Mizrahi, and Russian-speaking. As a little boy in Samarkand, Manashe learned from his parents and great grandparents the importance of "acts of Chesed," or giving back to the Jewish community.Manashe's "Professional" Jewish journey began at Baruch College, where he served as the president of the Hillel. He focused his time on building cross campus community by organizing multi-campus, city wide educational and social justice events. After graduating Baruch College, Manashe started working for Jewish Child Care Associations' Bukharian Teen Lounge in various roles, beginning with an entry level marketing and engagement internship. In his last role, as the director of the program, he oversaw all the operations of the program as well as developed and ran leadership training seminars for the next generation of Jewish leaders.
In addition to his work developing the youth leaders, Manashe has been leading several unique and challenging Educational Jewish projects that plays a big role in contribution to the development of Bukharian Jewish Community and Culture. Bukharian Lens program a unique inter-generational video project that documented the little-told story of the role of Bukharian Jews in World War II as soldiers and as hosts of the Ashkenazi Jews that fled the war and came to Central Asia. These movies were screened at multiple movie festivals like Sepharadic Film Festival in NYC as well as Limmud FSU conferences in New York, Toronto and community centers around NYC.
In August 2013, Manashe led an epic adventure to Uzbekistan. Through the Global Jewish Connections program, Bukharian teens and parents from the Lounge and Bukharian teens and parents from Holon, Israel met in Uzbekistan and "walked in the footsteps of their ancestors." This trip aimed to teach the group about Bukharian heritage and culture, strengthen the inter-generational bonds, and foster the sense of a shared destiny for American and Israeli Jews.
In 2014, Manashe spoke on Fox News representing the Bukharian Jewish community and their traditions relating to Passover. Same year in June, Manashe organized and lead first ever Bukharian Birthright trips to Israel where participants visited Shkhunat HaBukharim Bukharim Quarter, a neighborhood in the center of Jerusalem.
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