M P Chaudhary

M. P. Chaudhary (born 5 March 1975) is an Indian mathematician, who is currently working in number theory, one of research fields of interest to Srinivasa Ramanujan. He has authored more than 150 research papers and 35 books and monographs.
Early Life and Education
Chaudhary was born in village Khajhaula in the Basti district of Uttar Pradesh, India as the eldest son of his parents. He had his early schooling upto fifth class in the government primary school of his village. At his time the school had no basic facilities including building. He had attended a private school nearby his village for the sixth standard. Further, he joined Sarswati Shihu Mandir in city basti for the seventh and eight standard. After completing his High School and Intermediate education from Uttar Pradesh Board Allahabad, he joined SHKPG College, Basti and obtained his B.Sc. degree in mathematics from University of Gorakhpur. Then he completed his M.Sc. degree in mathematics from University of Gorakhpur. Later he received his Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from a Central University of the government of India based in Delhi.
Career in Mathematical Sciences
Chaudhary was initiated his research work in Mathematics at the University of Delhi. He was also conducted his research work in mathematics at Jamia Millia Islamia. Since 2004, he is associated with International Academy of Bisosciences. Since 2005, he is associated with International Scientific Research and Welfare Organization. In 2011, he joined as Research Scientist at the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India's Centre for Mathematical Sciences. In 2012, he accepted professorship in mathematics at a International Institution (supported by United Nations Development Programme). He has visited as researcher to some most prestigious institutions across the world, for the purpose of his research works, including the Pennsylvania State University, USA (2007); Franklin & Marshall, USA (2007); ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Switzerland (2008); The French Mathematical Society , France ( 2010); International Centre for Mathematical Meetings, France (2010); Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, (2012); University of Oxford, England, U. K. (2013, 2016, 2018); Wurzburg University (Julius-Maximilians-Universitat Wurzburg), Germany (2014); University of Hildesheim (Stiftung Universitat Hildesheim), Germany (2014) etc.
Selected publications
Research Articles
*On modular relations for the Roger-Ramanujan type identities, Pacific J. Appl. Math., 7(2016) 177-184.
* (With M.A. Shpot and R.B. Paris), Integrals of products of Hurwitz zeta functions and the Casimir effect in ɸ4 field theories, Journal of Classical Analysis, 9(2016) 99-115.
* (With J. Choi), Certain identities associated with character formulas, continued fractions and combinatorial partition identities, East Asian Math. J., 32(2016) 609-619.
* (With J. Choi), Note on modular relations for Roger-Ramanujan type identities and representations for Jacobi identities, East Asian Math. J., 31(2015) 659-665.
* (With H.M. Srivastava), Some relationships between q-product identities, combinatorial partition identities and continued-fractions identities, Adv. Stud. Contemp. Math., 25(2015) 265-272.
* Mock theta functions to the mock theta conjectures, SCIENTIA, Series A : Math. Sci., 22(2012) 33-46.
* A simple solution of some integrals given by Srinivasa Ramanujan, Resonance : J. Sci. Education (publication of Indian Academy of Science, Bangalore), 13(2008) 882-884.
Research Book
* Certain Aspects of Special Functions and Integral Operators(2014), LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany ,
Books on Mathematics
*Advanced Pure Mathematics(2003), Piyush Book Publication Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, India.
* Advanced Applied Mathematics(2003) (Dedicated to Late Sri Chaudhary Charan Singh, Former Prime Minister, Government of Republic of India),Piyush Book Publication Pvt. Ltd. Delhi, India.
*Operations Research(2004), Piyush Book Publication Pvt. Ltd. Delhi, India.
* Modern Vedic Mathematics(2005), Piyush Book Publication Pvt. Ltd. Delhi, India.
On Indian Higher Education System
*Higher Education in India and Problems (in hindi)(2003), Vikrant Publishing House, Delhi, India. (This book contains a message from the former President of India K. R. Narayanan, as “I am sure the book would be well received by the common people as it deals with the problem of obtaining higher education and would also be draw attention of those who are connected with formulating education policy for the Country for ensuring corrective measures to overcome the difficulties”).
*Deteriorating Quality of Research in India, University Today, New Delhi, March 01, 2006.
*Scrapping of NET: Necessity or a tool to promote political stooges, University Today, New Delhi, June 15, 2007.
*Development of scientific and research institutions in India, University Today, New Delhi, November 01, 2009.
*A Tribute to H. J. Bhabha on his birth century, University Today, New Delhi, September 01, 2009.
*Engineering and technology graduates in India, University Today, New Delhi, January 01, 2010.
Chapter in Book
*Development of Mathematics from Sanskrit (chapter-1, in book)(2010), India’s Intellectual Traditions and Contributions to the World (Edited), D.K. Print World (P) Ltd., New Delhi, India.
Awards and recognition
*Reviewer of zbMath (Author ID 16528) (is edited by the European Mathematical Society, FIZ Karlsruhe-Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure and the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences).
*Reviewer of Mathematical Review (Author ID 682223) (is edited by American Mathematical Society, USA) .
*Reviewer of Applied Mathematics and Computation (USA).
*Young writer award by Hindi Academy, Delhi for his book Duniya Ki Pahachan (Collection of 51 poems) (2002).
*Young Scientist Talent Prize (2002).
*Member and / or fellow of many of the world's scientific associations, including the American Mathematical Society, French Mathematical Society, London Mathematical Society (2003).
*Appointed as observer on behalf of Co-coordinator for National Eligibility Test(NET) of University Grants Commission , Government of India held on June 29, (2003).
*Fellow of Society of Sciences (2004).
*Advisor of American Biographical Institute (2004).
*Visiting Researcher, Department of Mathematics, The Pennsylvania State University, USA (2007).
*Scholarship of Clay Mathematics Institute, USA (2008).
*Member-Scientific Group for project - Up and Beyond Building a mountain in the Netherlands (2012).
*Academic Visitor, Oxford Conference on Challenges in Applied Mathematics, University of Oxford, England, U.K. (2013).
*Member-Scientific Committee, Bangladesh Mathematical Society for 20th International Mathematics Conference (2017).
*Academic Visitor, Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, England, U.K. (2016, 2018).
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