Love and Sex in Los Angeles is an American independent film written and directed by Brenda Venus. Cast * Aldred Montoya as the Heart * Angel Rolon as the Lover * Ashley Thewlis as the Girl in Park * Barbara Moore as the Vixen * Cathy St. George as the Expert * Christina Santiago as the Beauty * Collier Landry as the Boyfriend * Danielle Roberts as the Rolling Stone * Danielle Young as the Girl Next Door * Elke Jeinsen as the Playmate * Eva Derrek as the Realist * Glen Maska & Sara Murray as the Couple * James Curtis as the Pessimist * Jennifer Walcott as the Sweetheart * Mark Gordon as the Doctor * Kareem Abdul-Jabbar as the Philosopher * Kareem Abdul-Jabbar II as the Charmer * Katie Lohmann as the Analyst * Malika Weeden as the Princess * Michael Devorzon as the Optimist * Molinee Green as the Wild Child * Pier Di Giorgio as the Romantic * Rachael Elizabeth as the Romantic * Robert Amstler as Mr. Universe * Terry Moore as the Rebel