Lou Arab

Louis Arthur "Lou" Arab is a Canadian labour union activist, political strategist and public relations consultant, best known for being the husband of Rachel Notley, past NDP Premier of Alberta. He currently works as a Communications Representative for the Canadian Union of Public Employees. Arab has worked as communications officer for the B.C. NDP, a research analyst with the Canadian Office and Professional Employees Union, chief of staff for the Alberta NDP, Alberta campaign manager for the federal NDP, and most recently, a Communications Representative with the Alberta Region of the Canadian Union of Public Employees.
Marriage with Rachel Notley
While working for the Alberta NDP, Arab met Rachel Notley, a young trade union lawyer who had been working for the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees.
Arab and Notley lived in British Columbia for several years and the couple wed there in 1997. They returned to Edmonton in 2002 where Arab took a job as the communications officer of the Alberta NDP, who at the time had only two elected MLA's.
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