
LongeCity is the adopted "public name" of the Immortality Institute (sometimes abbreviated "ImmInst") a nonprofit organisation founded in 2002 by Bruce J. Klein and others. It is a member of a wider community of aging and life extension research.
The organisation states as its mission "to conquer the blight of involuntary death". It states that it wants to achieve this by providing:
* a repository of high-quality information;
* an open public forum for the free exchange of information and views;
* an infrastructure to support community projects and initiatives;
* the facilities for supporting an international community of those with an interest in life extension.
The organization maintains an online forum for information exchange. It has also published a book, produced a film, and organized three international conferences. LongeCity also sponsors small-scale scientific initiatives: A research project on laser ablation of lipofuscin and another on mitochondrial uncoupling in nematodes have been funded with LongeCity matching donations by the community. LongeCity has also sponsored related projects such as Alcor, SENS Foundation and Methuselah Foundation. In 2010, LongeCity pioneered the "crowdsourced" multivitamin supplement "VIMMORTAL" formulated based on suggestions from the community.
LongeCity is a membership-based organisation governed by a 'constitution'. Members elect and deselect a Board of Directors from amongst their number. The board appoints key officers who in turn co-ordinate volunteer activities.
As of January 2011, the Immortality Institute has formally adopted 'LongeCity' as a second 'trading' name. Now, the organisation uses both names, but prefers to use "LongeCity" for its public-facing activities and "Immortality Institute" when referring to the circle of its voting members. The reason for adopting the second name was to overcome doubts about the organization's credibility when using the word "Immortality" in its outreach and scientific support programmes.
The Immortality Institute's logo makes use of the following symbols:
* Two olive branches, to represent peace and cooperation;
* The figure '8' to represent an hourglass, and to represent the mathematical symbol for infinity;
* The double-helix structure of DNA, to represent the immortal molecule.
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