LOM Financial

LOM Financial is a Bermuda-based financial organization.
Founded in 1992, the company is headquartered in Bermuda, with subsidiaries in the UK and Asia. It began operating in the Bahamas in 2000, It has been listed on the Bermuda Stock Exchange under the ticker LOM.BX since 2001. In each location, LOM provides “private investment services and products including brokerage, custody, asset management and corporate finance services.” The company was previously called LOM Holdings. The current CEO of the company is Scott Lines, who also became the Chairman of the company after his father, Donald Lines (past President of the Bank of Bermuda) passed.

The company has Stable Income Funds and Fixed Income Funds. By the end of 2017, LOM had $870 million in assets under management. The total was $930 by the end of June 2018. The company also hosts financial seminars with investors from other firms.
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