
Lognoter is a software application that makes it possible to manage all project data, even though they may be of multiple types, existing in diverse formats, on a variety of systems, under differing standards. Lognoter allows users to store information in "database" format (tabular type) or to use a more flexible "page"-style organization. Lognoter also includes a set of additional IM tools, including audit and calculation forms, report generation, web publication, etc.
This application provides a Knowledge Management in Technology (KMT) solution by enabling the collaborative management of all project information.
Lognoter has all the expected features of a desktop program, such as drag-and-drop, copy-&-paste, different views of the data, and faster access when storing the data locally, that make it a much more convenient tool, compared to a program using a web interface.
The standard version of Lognoter is free to use. A commercial version is also available, with advanced features targeted to corporate users.
PIM version
Lognoter can also be used as a Personal Information Manager. With Lognoter PIM, you can organize your business and personal time, schedule tasks, make notes, store information, etc.
Lognoter PIM's competitors include Microsoft OneNote on Windows; Barebones Software's Yojimbo; Journler; Circus Ponies NoteBook on Macintosh; Evernote on Windows and Macintosh; and gnote for Linux.
Lognoter forms
One of the most useful features of Lognoter is its ability to implement forms, checklists, spreadsheets, ... for engineering and scientific applications. These forms can be freely interchanged among developers and users via the Lognoter Forms Web platform.
CAE applications
Lognoter is also used to create documentation and help-utilities for CAE developers using the pre-/post-processing system GiD.
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