Liu Maoshan

Lui Maoshan was born in Suzhou, China in 1942. He graduated from the Suzhou institute of Arts and Crafts (major in Western Oil Painting) in 1962. Having intensely studied the works of great classical European artists and the art form of impressionism, he went on to take an interest in Chinese landscape painting. His work puts a slight spin on the traditional paintings as he uses the Western technique in treating color and light, giving his Chinese ink paintings a modern touch He held his one-man shows and participated in cultural
exchanges across the world in places like: Japan, Britain, America and Hong Kong to name a few. His works have received high acclaim and have been described as inhabiting a rare space halfway between dreams and waking reality. This acclaim has led to his work being displayed in permanent collections in museums and galleries both in China and abroad. He is listed in America's Who's Who and the International Who's Who. Lui Maoshan already has ten painting albums being published He is now a member of the Chinese Artists Association and is also now the Vice-President of the Suzhou Academy of Chinese Painting. His published works include: “Selected Landscape Paintings of Liu Maoshan”, “Liu Maoshan’s Modern Chinese Paintings”, “Rongbaozhai Book of Paintings - Liu Maoshan’s Water Country”, “The Art of Liu Maoshan”, “Water Country, A Sentimental Journey - Selected New Works by Liu Maoshan”, “Selected Works of Liu Maoshan” and “Exotic Mood-Selected New Works by Liu Maoshan”.
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