Little Dude

Little Dude is episode 4b of season one of the popular Nicktoon, Rugrats.

Didi brings Tommy as a learning aid for her economics class at Eucaipah High School. She teaches the class on how to change a dirty diaper. Many students look at it and just walk away, including Steve and Larry. Ramon (the coolest guy in school) changes it with no problem, and ends up befriending Tommy. Later, three teenage girls offer to take care of the baby while Didi takes a lunch break. The girls get in over their heads when they end up losing the baby. Tommy roams the campus and ends up in the middle of a food fight in the cafeteria. Right when Tommy is about to get in the mix of things, Ramon stops the entire food fight, picks up the baby, and leaves. Tommy ends up acting like Ramon and proving that he can be the Little Dude.

* All: Eww!
Boy: Eww!
Girl: Eww!
Boy #2: Whoa!
(all gasped)
* Girl: Pamela, don't panic. We have to think like a baby. Now if you were a baby where would you go?
* Football Player #7: Hey!
Luigi: I just had this... WASHED! Who's the wise guy?
Girl: ( teeth chattering )
( all gasped )
Girl: ( teeth chattering louder )
Kid: Food fight!

* E. G. Daily — Tommy Pickles
* Melanie Chartoff — Didi Pickles
* David Doyle — Grandpa Lou Pickles
* Jason Presson — Ramon
* Tami Pfieffer — Pamela
* Jackie Gonneau — Kristen

* Writer — M.S. Freeman
* Music — Mark Mothersbaugh
* Director — Howard E. Baker

* Tommy, other than making little baby mumbles, actually doesn't talk during this episode.
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