*John Adams ::’’American Berserk’’ ::’’Chamber Symphony’’ ::’’Dharma at Big Sur’’ ::’’Doctor Atomic’’ ::’’El Niño’’ ::’’Gnarly Buttons’’ ::’’I Was Looking at the Ceiling and Then I Saw the Sky’’ ::’’John’s Book of Alleged Dances’’ ::’’My Father Knew Charles Ives’’ ::’’Naive and Sentimental Music’’ ::’’On the Transmigration of Souls’’ ::’’Road Movies’’
*Aleksander Baath ::Tailan ::Serpens
*Joe Cutler ::Sal's Sax ::Awakenings ::Sikorski
*William Duckworth ::Southern Harmony ::Thirty-One Days ::Time Curve Preludes
* Michael Gordon ::Trance ::Tinge ::Four Kings Fight Five
*David Lang ::Cheating, Lying and Stealing ::Orpheus Over and Under ::Slow Movement
*Steve Reich ::Proverb
*Michael Torke ::The Yellow Pages ::Book of Proverbs
*Lois V Vierk ::Go Guitars ::Into the brightening air ::Manhattan Cascade ::Red Shift ::Red Shift IV ::River Beneath the River ::Simoom ::Timberline