List of people and organizations associated with Dominionism

Dominionism describes, in several distinct ways, a tendency among some conservative politically-active Christians to seek influence or control over secular civil government through political action — aiming either at a nation governed by Christians or a nation governed by a Christian understanding of biblical law. The use and application of this terminology is a matter of controversy.

For more discussion of this term, the ways in which it is used, and the controversy surrounding it, see Dominionism.

Identified as advocates of Dominionism
Usage embraced by the subject
The term "dominionist" is embraced by subscribers to Dominion theology, who use it to describe their belief that civil government should be controlled by Christians alone and conducted according to Biblical law. The most prominent school of Dominion theology is Christian Reconstructionism. Notable leaders of the latter include:
*Rousas John Rushdoony
:Rushdoony was a Calvinist philosopher, historian, and theologian and is widely credited as the father of both Christian Reconstructionism and the modern homeschool movement. His prolific writings have exerted considerable influence on the Christian right.
*Greg Bahnsen
*David Chilton
*Gary DeMar
*James Dobson
:Dobson's Family Research Council is identified as an dominionist organization by TheocracyWatch, which says that the Congressional scorecard of the Family Research Council illustrates its success and the strength of dominionists in Congress. It is claimed that Dobson's teachings include many tenets of the Dominionist movement. He was also identified as a dominionist by Molly Ivins and Chris Hedges.
*Mike Huckabee
: In a column, Joe Conason says that Huckabee alluded to his Dominionist intentions when he stated, "I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God, and that's what we need to do is to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards." while campaigning in Michigan in January, 2008. An associated article says Huckabee has also been associated with several prominent dominionists including D. James Kennedy and George Grant.
* D. James Kennedy
:Kennedy was considered a conservative evangelical minister who was often involved in political activities within the Christian right and has been identified as a leader of the Dominionism movement. He wrote and coauthored several political works such as What if America Were a Christian Nation Again? and The Rewriting of America's History, arguing that the United States was founded as a Christian nation.
* Tim LaHaye
* Rod Parsley
* Ralph Reed
* Bob Riley
* Pat Robertson
* Karl Rove
* Lou Sheldon
* Paul Weyrich
* American Family Association
* Council for National Policy
* Eagle Forum
* Family Research Council
* Moral Majority
* National Religious Broadcasters
* Texas Republican Party

Critics of Dominionism
*J. Ligon Duncan
*Sinclair Ferguson
*Robert Godfrey
*Vern Poythress
*Thomas Ice
*Dave Hunt
*Hal Lindsey
*Randall Balmer
*Chip Berlet
*Chris Hedges
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