List of Comunal Documents of Santa Margherita Ligure

The Comune of Santa Margherita Ligure produces various documents, this includes Ordinances, Forms, Regulations and much more. The Following is a list of all the locally available documents posted by the comune.
Environment Forms
* Noise declaration for private building practices
* Self-certification model for home composting verification year 2020
* Request for exemption from noise limits for temporary construction site
* Request for authorisation to carry out noisy activities for entertainment events in public premises
* Application for registration in the composters register
* Specification for home composting
* Application for connection to the black network for domestic settlements
* Communication of increase in sanitary facilities
* Request for Tari reduction
Registry Forms
* Residence form
* Residence form with cohabitation
Land registry forms
* Model D8
* Mod 02-bis Instanza per rilascio concessione demaniale marittima temporanea
* Mod 03-05 Application for supplementary sea State concession
* Mod 04-05 Application for short-term occupation
* Mod 05-05 Instance for managing the activities covered by the concession (made by the holder of the concession)
* Mod 06-05 Instance of taking over the maritime state concession (ex art. 46 Cod. Nav.) - transferor
* Mod 06-05 Instanza di subingresso nella concessione demaniale marittima (ex art.46 Cod. Nav.) - subentering heir
* Mod 06-05 Application to take over the sea State concession (ex art. 46 Cod. Nav.) - coheirs
* Mod 07-05 Application for renewal of the sea State concession
* Mod 08-05 Application for variation to the content of the sea State concession - Art. 24 of the Navigation Code Regulation
Electoral forms
* Application for entry in the Register of Polling Station Presiding Officers
* Application for entry in the Register of Tellers
* Application for entry in the Register of Popular Judges
Public land occupation forms
* Richiesta nulla osta per occupazione suolo pubblico di durata inferiore alle 8 ore
* Richiesta occupazione permanente di suolo pubblico per attività commerciale
* Richiesta occupazione temporanea di suolo pubblico per attività commerciale
* Richiesta occupazione temporanea di suolo pubblico per lavori
* Richiesta occupazione temporanea per manifestazioni ed eventi
* Richiesta occupazione temporanea per propaganda elettorale
* Richiesta occupazione temporanea di suolo pubblico per trasloco
* Richiesta autorizzazione rottura suolo pubblico
* Richiesta occupazione temporanea commerciale
* Richiesta proroga occupazione temporanea per lavori
* Richiesta voltura autorizzazione di occupazione suolo pubblico
* Richiesta Passo Carrabile
* Richiesta voltura Passo Carrabile
* Comunicazione via fax a Città Metropolitana per occupazioni su strade provinciali
Forms Municipal moorings and parking within the port
* Model for payment of security charges
Reference regulations:
* CC Resolution no. 74 of 30/11/2010 Awarding of port security services to the company Progetto Santa Margherita Srl
* CC Resolution no. 20 of 8/04/2014 Awarding of some port security services to the company Progetto Santa Margherita Srl
* CC Resolution No. 9 of 4/03/2014 Regulations for the management and parking of pleasure craft in the tourist harbour of Santa Margherita Ligure
* CC Resolution n. 19 of 8/04/2014 Regulation of the surcharge for the coverage of the security onery charged to passengers passing through the port of Santa Margherita Ligure
* Resolution GC no. 392 of 1/12/2014 Approval of port transit tariffs 2015
* GC Resolution No. 381 of 19/11/2014 Approval of parking rates within the port 2015
* GC Resolution No. 128 of 9/04/2014 Approval of additional port security charges
* GC Resolution no. 320 of 26/10/2016 Determination of tariffs for the management of port transit - year 2017
* GC Resolution No. 321 of 26/10/2016 Determination of tariffs for the parking spaces located within the marina of S. Margherita Ligure - year 2017
* Delibera GC n. 322 del 26/10/2016 Identification of additional charges to cover security costs borne by passengers disembarking in the port of S. Margherita Ligure
* Liguria Region Decree of 3-star Marina Resort classification
* Resolution GC no. 312 of 5/11/2019 Determination of tariffs for the management of port transit - Year 2020
Local Police Forms
* Request for resident parking card - Natural persons
* Resident parking ticket request - Legal persons
* Weather alert messaging service (SMS)
* Request for issue/renewal of authorisation for transit in the Monte di Portofino Park Area, via Gave
* Request for special badge for the circulation and parking of vehicles carrying disabled persons
* Request for the issue of transit authorisation as an exception to current road traffic regulations
* Personalised parking request for disabled persons driving a vehicle
* Request for personalised parking for disabled persons who do not drive
* Non-EU citizen hospitality communication form
* Declaration of building transfer
* Request form 1 hour in Blue zone for residents only
* Refund request form
* Declaration of domicile form
* Model Request for release of copy of road accident report
* Model Request to block video surveillance footage
Civil Defence forms
* Form D - private party damage report
* Form D0 - instructions for filling in private parties
* Form E - damage report economic activities
* Form E0 - instructions for filling in economic activities
Reference regulations:
* D.G.R. no. 1562 of 16 December 2011 and its annex
Forms for demographic services
* Declaration of residence
* Declaration of cohabitation
* Registration certificate request
* House number request
* Declaration in lieu of affidavit
Forms for Social Services
* Emergency COVID-19 - multi-purpose vouchers/spending vouchers June 2021: notice, application form
* TARI 2020 contributions - application form
* 2020 Rental contributions: application form, payment conditions form, housing condition monitoring form
* Application for household allowance 2022
* Application for maternity allowance 2021
* Nursery school application 2020-2021
* School bus application 2019/2020
* Summer school registration form June 2019
* Pre-school service enrolment form a.s. 2019-2020
* Pre-school service enrolment form a.s. 2021-2022
Forms Sportello Unico Edilizia (SUE)
* Application for housing eligibility
* Declaration in lieu of affidavit
* Application for Access to Administrative Acts
Taxes forms
* TARI registration declaration
* TARI exclusion declaration
* TARI termination declaration
* IMU declaration
* IMU non-commercial entities declaration
* Declaration of concession of property on loan for use
* Declaration for extension of concessions to the appurtenances of main dwellings
* TARI Distance reduction
* IMU instalment request
* TARI instalment request
* Refund request
Tourism forms
* Application for legal aid natural persons
* Application for legal aid legal persons
* Contribution application
* Economic offer form natural persons
* Economic offer form legal persons
* Contribution Expense Statement Form
* Declaration of Supplier Requirements for Goods and Services
URP forms
* Request for access to administrative acts
* Request for access to administrative acts for municipal councillors
* Reports, suggestions and complaints
* Right of civic access
* Archive consultation request form
* Request form for publication of historical archive material
Council Resolutions
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