Lisa Hill

We do not know much information about Lisa Hill for all that her tragic inspires Katherine Paterson to write the novel, Bridge to Terabithia.
Lisa had a brother and a sister. In 1973 the Hill family moved to Takoma Park, suburb of Washington. Lisa was 7 years old at this time and she got acquainted with an also 7 years old boy, David L. Paterson. They was lonely and they became close friends soon. David lived in Lisa's neighbourhood and they learned in same class in Takoma Park Elementary School (TPES) so they spent every spare time together. They often play in the forest behind Hill family's house. Lisa had very advanced fantasy and usually she fabricated stories to these games.
In August 1974, the summer after second grade, Lisa was enjoying a day at the beach in New Jersey with her mother, brother and sister. It was sunny, though a storm was forming on the edge of the horizon. Somehow, a bolt of lightning reached out of the blue, striking Lisa as she sat on the water’s edge killing her.
Katherine and David learned about this tragedy from a phone call.
A tree dedicated to the little girl who died was planted in memorial outside of Takoma Park Elementary School. In 2004 this tree was died, cutted down. Ann Riley, a TPES parent and children’s librarian at the Library of Congress got to know the story of Lisa Hill tragedy. With the enthusiastic support of TPES principal Zadia Broadus (now Zadia Gadsden), she tracked down the Patersons as well as Lisa’s mother, who still lived in Takoma DC, and Lisa’s brother and sister. They all accepted Riley’s invitation and returned to TPES on 2005 April 28. In the course of re-dedication ceremony a new tree was planted and Katherine Paterson gave a speech.
Lisa Hill's death inspires Katherine Paterson and David L. Paterson to write the Newbery-winning novel, Bridge to Terabithia by David's reminiscences. The book was published three years after Lisa's death.
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