Legends of Tanakashi: Dynasty of Blade

Legends of Tanakashi: Dynasty of Blade is a film directed by Yoshirou Ishikawa and Ger Vue.
-Izuwa Digital Pictures
-Akujiki Productions, Japan

-Sakura, Corp. Pictures, China
Legends of Tanakashi is based upon the story of the Hmong Warrior who fought for the freedom of the Maio People during the 11th Century to the early 12th Century in Southern China (1174 - 1234), during the Qin Xing War known to the Hmong People as the War of Freedom. Zhong Xang Yajiaumo was the name of the Hmong Warrior who rebelled against the Song Dynasty and the Song Emperor, who then sent armed forces known as the Khong Ming after the Maio People in the mountains and plains of Southern China and all the way to the Thailand and the Laos borderlines. There were numerous stories told through the elders of the Hmong people, descendants of the surviving Maio people living today still upholds the Qin Xing war story and gives their blessings to Yajiaumo as a yearly basis. In Southern China, a Maio Village has built a statue of Yajiaumo and treats him like a god to the Maio people.
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