Leathermarket JMB

Leathermarket JMB is a resident-managed housing organisation, managing 1500 homes in the south of the River Thames in London, England, between Tower Bridge and London Bridge.
Leathermarket Joint Management Board (JMB) is a Tenant Managed Organisation which manages 1500 homes on council estates immediately south of the River Thames in London between London Bridge and Tower Bridge, south as far as the Bricklayers' Arms roundabout. The JMB area includes the Lawson Estate, Kipling Estate, Elim Estate, Meakin Estate, Cluny Estate, Tyers Estate, Whites Grounds and Lockyer Estate together with a number of smaller neighbouring blocks. The buildings stretch from Georgian Houses to a purpose built 1980s apartment block, but most buildings are apartment blocks dating from the 1930s to 1960s.
The JMB is responsible for general tenancy management (including rent collection and management of anti-social behaviour), estate cleaning, repairs to the estates, repairs to tenants homes and manages capital work (such as the refurbishment of homes to the UK Government's Decent Homes Standard.
Approximately 1,000 of the homes are rented out as social housing, while the remaining 500 homes are owned by their residents, having been bought in leasehold arrangements.
The JMB manages the homes under the UK Government's 'Right to Manage' regulations . The estates are ultimately owned by Southwark Council and tenants are legally tenants of Southwark Council. The JMB collects rent from tenants on behalf of Southwark Council (approximately £6 million in 2009/10) and receives a management allowance back from Southwark Council for the services provided by the JMB (approximately £2.3 million).
Work to create Leathermarket JMB started in 1994 when the residents on the estates were becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the standards of service provided by Southwark Council and felt they could do better managing services by themselves.. Heartened by the neighbouring Tabard Gardens Estate, which had already achieved independence from the Council, a group of residents formed a working group to take the area through the UK Government's 'Right to Mange' process. In early 1996 residents voted overwhelmingly for the creation of Leathermarket JMB. The JMB formally came in to operation on 1 April 1996.
Jimmy Mizzen Apprenticeships
Jimmy Mizzen was a young man who had spent two weeks working with Leathermarket JMB. Jimmy came to national prominence when he was murdered in a random knife attack..
Leathermarket JMB had been so inspired by Jimmy's potential that it was planning to offer its very first apprenticeship to Jimmy when he left school. After his death, the JMB launched the 'Jimmy Mizzen Apprenticeship' scheme in memory of him . The scheme is run in conjunction with Lewisham College.
Famous Residents
World Boxing Champion David Haye spent his early years living in a tower block on the Kipling Estate. He revisited the estate in July 2010 to open a garden and play area named 'The Haye' in his honour.
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