Lavinia Woodward

Lavinia Woodward is a student in studying in Christ Church college, Oxford who gained media attention after stabbing her now ex-boyfriend and the subsequent controversial decision by a judge to spare her of a jail sentence as it would damage her career.
Woodward met her ex-boyfriend, a Cambridge PhD student, through online dating and, according to the prosecution, became 'erratic' and rude towards the victim during the relationship.
However, the Guardian quoting Francis FitzGibbon QC, chair of the Criminal Bar Association and Paul Mendelle QC former chairman of the Criminal Bar Association dismissed the criticism pointing out that her psychiatric issues would make a jail sentence catastrophic. Woodward's Facebook had to be deleted due to online abuse and her lawyer's also faced online threats.
Oxford University also denied the judge's statement that she will be allowed to return to studies. The university stated that no one outside can guarantee her right to study and the final decision will be made based on the health, wellbeing and best interests of both the student and the wider student community.
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