Laurence Kemball-Cook

Laurence Kemball-Cook is the founder and CEO of Pavegen Systems.
Early Life
Cook, a graduate in Industrial Technology and Design from Loughborough University, took on a university placement with E.ON, and proposed using footfall as a potential power source.
Speaking Events
Cook speaks at various events about technology and entrepreneurship. He has given 5 TED talks on envisioning the cities of the future and changing attitudes to fossil fuels. He has also attended trade missions to China and Italy with the former British Prime Minister, David Cameron. In 2016, along with 23 other entrepreneurs, he joined the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, on a trade mission to the USA as part of the #LondonIsOpen campaign. He has also participated in UN’s +20 Climate Conference, Innovate UK, DMZ 2.0 with Steve Wozniak in South Korea and the All-Energy Australia Conference as part of Australia’s Sustainability Week.
Awards and Recognition
Laurence has generated media interest for his invention, including press coverage by Forbes, Wired, BBC, CNN, The Times and The Huffington Post. Throughout his years as CEO of Pavegen, he has been recognised with numerous awards, including the UK Blomberg Business Innovator 2016 , Eco Entrepreneur of the Year 2015 & 2016 , the Pea awards ‘Businessman of the Year’ 2013 and the Shell liveWIRE Entrepreneur of the Year finalist 2011.
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